Monday, May 30, 2016

Sequence Adverbs

What is a Sequence Adverb?

Sequence adverbs are used to help describe a progression of events. Often used in recipes or instructions, sequence adverbs such as “first,” “then,” “next,” “after that,” and “finally” contain information about the order of actions and create natural transitions in writing.

Sequence adverbs are used to help describe a progression of events. Often used in recipes or instructions, sequence adverbs such as “first,” “then,” “next,” “after that,” and “finally” contain information about the order of actions and create natural transitions in writing.

Point 1: Sequence adverbs often come at the start of a sentence or clause and act as a marker as to order.
  • First, heat the pan.
  • After that, you press the delete key.
  • Then you can make your correction.
Point 2: However, some sequence adverbs like 'first' and 'next'  can come at the end of a sentence or clause.
  • You have to boil the water first.
  • Press the red button next.
Point 3: 'Next', 'then' and 'after that' are interchangeable. They mark something between the start and finish.
  • First, go down Cane Street.
    After that turn left onto Oak.
  • First, get behind a rock.
    Then you can push the detonator.
Point 4: We often use sequence markers when giving instructions on how to do something, make something or go somewhere.

  • First, get a can opener,
  • Then, open the can of chili.
  • Next, put the chili in a bowl.
  • After that, put it in the microwave.
  • Once it is warm, you can eat it.
What are the adverbs of sequence?

Luego, a continuación
Before considering
Antes de examinar, antes de considerar
Después, a continuación
Primero, primeramente
In the second instance
En segundo lugar
En último lugar
Mientras tanto
Next to
Siguiendo a, a continuación
Apenas, tan, luego, justo
To begin with
Comenzando con, empezando con

Video Class -  Sequence Adverbs


Practice - Sequence Adverbs

Exercise 2

for more information about  sequence adverbs visit:

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